Interviews, features, publications

This is Paper Mag

Fisheye Magazine


Plain Magazine

Subjectively Objective

Vectro Ave


Don't Take Photos

Purr Mag

View Magazine

Fotografia mag


stolen ground

Don't Panic

Photogrist Mag

Juxtapoz mag


Adventure Handbook Photo Competition Finalist

Art Upon

Kissing Eyes, Interview

Velvet Eyes, Interview

atlas, Interview

Subjectively Objective monograph issue 3

Subjectively Objective volume 1

Cadillac Ranch Dressing, issue 1 & issue 3

Free Lunch Cartel, Free Lunch vol. 1



Palm Photo Prize 2019 Exhibition, the Printspace Gallery, London, UK; May 2019

The Vernacular of the Landscape,Subjectively Objective Exhibition, Detroit, MI, USA; 2018

Palm Photo Prize 2018 Exhibition, House of Vans, London, UK; May 2018

Up From the Plains, Le Petit Outre Bakery, Missoula, MT, USA; June 2017

The Adventure Handbook Photo Comp Exhibition, Sydney, AUS; 2016